Alejandro Zavala on laulaja, säveltäjä, musiikin tuottaja ja suosittu muusikko, jonka ura on kestänyt yli 30 vuotta.
Hän on tehnyt viisi taiteellisesti sitoutunutta albumia, jotka heijastavat hänen tärkeimpiä musiikillisia intohimojaan: venezuelalaista perinnettä, laulumusiikkia ja kirjailijalauluja.
Duo Cantaresin muodostavat venezuelalainen laulaja Nathaly Gomez ja perulainen multi-instrumentisti ja musiikkitieteilijä Camilo Pajuelo. Idea duosta syntyi yhteisestä intohimosta oman kulttuuritaustan musiikkiin ja halusta tehdä tunnetuksi musiikkia Pohjoismaissa. Cantaresin repertuaari sisältää omia versioita tunnettujen säveltäjien suosituista kappaleista, jotka kattavat laajan valikoiman Latinalaisen Amerikan genrejä ja tyylejä. Cantares on esiintynyt jatkuvasti Suomessa, mutta myös Parisissa, Perussa ja Espanjassa. Cantares tekee myös yhteistyötä paikallisten taiteilijoiden ja muiden musikoiden kanssa.
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'Alejandro Zavala
Singer, composer, music producer and popular musician with a career spanning more than 30 years. Alejandro has made five albums of high artistic commitment that reflect his most important
musical passions: Venezuelan tradition, vocal music and author songs. 2023 Winner of Pepsi Awards contest as the best Singer-songwriter of his recent production "Cantautor".
In 2021 he was nominated for the Latin Grammy Award with his album in the Best Folk Album category.
He is director and founder of the Contemporary Voice School in Caracas-Venezuela, a prestigious comprehensive training institution for singers with more than 20 years of experience. Currently he is a composer for the prestigious international independent publisher Peer Music, he makes musicals productions for Sonophilia Studio Record, a recording studio of which he is a partner. Also, he continues his performance as arranger, composer and vocal coach in his home country, Venezuela.
Duo Cantares
Duet formed by Venezuelan singer Nathaly Gómez and Peruvian multi-instrumentalist and musicologist Camilo Pajuelo. Cantares was established in 2017 in Helsinki, inspired by a common passion for traditional music and the desire to promote it in the Nordic countries. Their repertoire includes their own versions of popular songs created by prominent composers, embracing a wide variety of Latin American genres and styles. Cantares had its first official concert in November 2017 at Leppävaara Church, Espoo. Since then, Cantares has been performing regularly not only in Finland but also in France, Spain and Peru, also cooperating with artists from other countries.
Tickets 8€