This is how you make it* happen

*Underground, unpredictable, unplugged. Loud or chill. Nostalgic or never-seen-before. Moving feet–or minds. Live and alive.
Hand Stand
Stop Waiting
For something, anything, to maybe happen

If you want to invite a superstar to perform in your city you now have the power to do that.

Decide Now
Who makes us all dance, laugh, gasp, feel alive

Bold, crazy, ground-breaking or the most recognised super stars on the planet, we leave that up to you.

Take Control
Over what happens in your city

Eventual puts YOU - the crowd - in control of who performs for you.

Go Influence
Your local culture

Culture belongs to all us, so its only fair that we all get a say in who shapes it and how. 

1. Become a Culture Shaper (a fancy word for “Please Sign Up)

• Every great thing has to start somewhere. (We usually start at the upper right corner of the welcome page. this is where you create your Eventual account).

• Wohoo, Step One complete. You are now an official city-culture maker, shaker and creator.

• Now, go make us all happier. (See Step Two).


2. Create your Live Event: What’s missing in your city?

• Who have you always wanted to see? Or, who should everyone else see? Who are you excited by?

• Do you want to dance, be moved, sing out loud, laugh your brains out?

• Name your Live Event–then make it happen


3. Curate the crowd: Who should be there?

• Nobody wants to dance alone: who should be there with you?

• Who do you know who’s going to be just as excited as you are?

• Use social media, WhatsApp, telepathy. Or email if you’re desperate.

• Send emails within your communities

What is Eventual?

Eventual is a platform  on a mission to generate events through a range of digital tools including crowdfunding, ticketing, production management, event listing and analytics.

To whom is Eventual for?

Our platform is dedicated to all events professionals and enthusiasts. Everyone is welcome to use the platform to see upcoming events, launch or back a campaign, and manage an event.

What kind of events are supported on Eventual?

We support all kinds of arts & entertainment events, both live and online through our streaming channel.

What are the tools provided on Eventual?

Event listing, crowdfunding, ticketing, calendar, production organiser, guest list, email communications, analytics, venue booking, streaming, personal and professional profiles.

Can I sell tickets for my event via your platform?

Yes, we allow third-party companies to sell tickets for events through our platform. If you launch a campaign, tickets will be automatically sold on Eventual.

​Ready to launch your campaign?

Based on our successful campaign experiences, we have compiled all the best practices and inspiring elements of a great crowd-making experience.

Get the Essential Crowd-making Campaign Guide

We all make the city we live in. Let’s make it sing.

Start a live event to make your city come more alive. Connect with our like-minded community to help make it happen.